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What Are Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures, also called partials, are artificial replacement teeth that restore a few missing teeth in a patient’s mouth. The surrounding tissues in the oral cavity support dentures.

Partials replace a few missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Full dentures replace an entire set of teeth. 

removable partial denture NewMouth

When Do You Need a Partial Denture?

Partial dentures are often necessary if you’ve lost some teeth due to:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Periodontal disease (advanced gum disease)
  • A facial or jaw injury 
  • Tooth extraction 
  • Poor dental care and natural aging 

Partial dentures are typically removable. Removable partial dentures consist of false teeth, a gum-colored base, and metal or plastic clasps.

These dentures can also be fixed into the mouth, which means they are permanent. Fixed partial dentures are also referred to as dental bridges. 

Partial Dentures vs. Complete Dentures

Partial dentures replace a few missing teeth in your upper or lower jaw. If you still have some natural teeth remaining, removable partial dentures are an excellent option. 

Complete dentures, also called full dentures or conventional dentures, are removable prosthetic teeth that replace your entire set of teeth. Full dentures are used when a patient has no teeth remaining in their upper and/or lower jaws.